Chapter 33 Empty Chapter Template

33.1 Intro

Enter a brief introduction here

33.1.1 Example dataset

Here, explain which dataset people should open to copy the examples. For example:

This example uses the Rosetta Stats example dataset “pp15” (see Chapter 1 for information about the datasets and Chapter 3 for an explanation of how to load datasets).

33.1.2 Variable(s)

Here, explain which variable(s) people should open to copy the examples. For example:

From this dataset, this example uses variable highDose_IntentionRAA_intention.

33.2 Input: jamovi

A screenshot placeholder

Figure 33.1: A screenshot placeholder

33.3 Input: R

In R, there are roughly three approaches. Many analyses can be done with base R without installing additional packages. The rosetta package accompanies this book and aims to provide output similar to jamovi and SPSS with simple commands. Finally, the tidyverse is a popular collection of packages that try to work together consistently but implement a different underlying logic than base R (and so, the rosetta package).

33.3.1 R: base R

A screenshot placeholder

Figure 33.2: A screenshot placeholder

33.3.2 R: rosetta

A screenshot placeholder

Figure 33.3: A screenshot placeholder

33.3.3 R: tidyverse

A screenshot placeholder

Figure 33.4: A screenshot placeholder

33.4 Input: SPSS

For SPSS, there are two approaches: using the Graphical User Interface (GUI) or specify an analysis script, which in SPSS are called “syntax”.

33.4.1 SPSS: GUI

A screenshot placeholder

Figure 33.5: A screenshot placeholder

33.4.2 SPSS: Syntax

A screenshot placeholder

Figure 33.6: A screenshot placeholder

33.5 Output: jamovi

A screenshot placeholder

Figure 33.7: A screenshot placeholder

33.6 Output: R

A screenshot placeholder

Figure 33.8: A screenshot placeholder

33.7 Output: SPSS

A screenshot placeholder

Figure 33.9: A screenshot placeholder

33.8 Read more

Here, you can list one or more sources with background reading, for example:

If you would like more background on this topic, you can read more in these sources:


Navarro, Danielle. 2018. Learning Statistics with R. 0.6 ed. New South Wales, Australia.